An EIN (Employer Identification Number) same as an Irs Tax ID Number and is the same as a Federal Tax Id Number (EIN) is a number used by the federal government mainly to identify business entities and trust as well as estates.
Thus, for example, you will need to apply here online and get an Irs Tax ID Number if you are an employer, partnership, trust, LLC, or corporation. Sole owners can also get a federa EIN and use it as a business tax ID number.
An Irs Tax ID Number is a federally issued number also known as an irs number it is a unique 9 digit number (ex. 12-3456789) that the Internal Revenue Service and other federal agencies use to identify your business for many tax purposes but mainly it identifies employers, partnerships, trusts, LLCs, and corporations.
Corporations or LLCs, employers are required to obtain a Federal Tax Id (FEIN) and a Business License. You can use a federal tax id number as your business id number. For example, if you are a sole owner, you will need to use your social security as a business tax id number.
Applying for a Tax ID Number Federal Income Tax ID Employer Identification Number Federal Employer Identification Number State Employer Identification Number Federal Tax ID Application Federal Tax ID Number Federal Tax ID Cost Federal Tax ID Number Federal Tax ID IRS Tax ID Irs Tax ID Number Business Tax ID Number Federal ID Number State Tax ID Resale Tax ID Resale Number Reseller Tax ID EIN Employer Identification Number ;Wholesale Tax ID Number.
Corporations: 7-20 business days or if expedited can be done same day. In some states, we file on the same day we receive your order, however, note that it may take a few days for the gov't to mail you the certificate.